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Only he who attempts the
absurd is capable of achieving the impossible.
--Miguel Unamon's epithet about Don Quixote`
The Movie Go Round
A Simple Plan is so stark and bleak and believable that at time you have to remind yourself that "its only a movie." You feel the chill immediately as the incredibly beautiful snowbound wilderness of rural Colorado comes into focus, you sense yourself to be one of the rather ordinary characters who stumble upon millions of dollars in a plane that had crashed unseen beneath the ever-descending showers of snow. And all at once you know how easy it would be to go along with a guilt-free, foolproof plan to maybe keep and use this money for the good of you and your folks. Suddenly we are these culprits, the moral chaos of compromise is an all too familiar landscape as events in this tragic human parable spin radically out of control.
This is not an easy film to watch, but if one is willing to go along for the ride with no hope of redemption and no respite from this most searing vision of personal corruption, it's quite a ride!
Payoff, for instance, a complete turn-off as far as I'm concerned,
bombastic, juvenile explosions, monster-moments of ultra-violence. Meanwhile
armies of children are being forced to murder each other in Sierra Leone.
Haven't we had enough of this? Apparently not! The History Channel takes
pleasure in presenting "Blood and Guts Sunday", and you can send in for the
video called "A Century of Warfare". What fun!
I think we'd be far better off with previews depicting a world at peace, rather
than the madness of mutual destruction that so fascinates our sub-human,
reptilian nature. We are all here for so brief a time, and we are all in the
same leaky boat we have created for ourselves. Why not rush to one another's
side and build up the whole body of humanity, all for all! Could it be something
just so simple that might create the ultimate miracle of universal salvation &
Bill Joyner (2-18-99)
Life can
be very painful. Everyone has the same burdens, and how ever much you can
share those burdens makes life easier for everybody. It's lonely
otherwise. Every moment that you share someone else's pain, feel what they
feel, makes you more human. I went through a lot of pain in my divorce. It
made me feel empathy
--Bill Murray in PARADE
When I hear bread breaking, I see something else; it seems almost as if God never meant us to do anything else. So beautiful a sound, the crust breaks up like manna and falls all over everything, and then we EAT; bread gets inside humans. It turns into what the experts call, "formal glory of God". But don't let it worry you. Sometime in your life, hope you might see one starved man, the look on his face when the bread finally arrives. Hope you might have baked it or bought it or even needed it yourself. --Daniel Berrigan, S.J.
Leadership is the
ability to hide your panic from others. Sass is a colleague,
If you do not ask, the
answer is always no.
The future is not
predetermined. --Harvey Cox On Not Leaving It To The Snake
The Lord of Love is an artist, who knows the alchemy of parables and other oblique revelations. The essence of divinity is the essence of reality, expressed androgynously, with all mysteries alive and intact, in the most subtle possible styles of infinite, loving grace. --Bill Joyner
Kiki Joyner -
Air Borne
Creations |
Two curiously similar books were recommended by readers of THE SEED CATALOG, good friends Penny Rosel & Chrystalle DeLuca. Excerpts from each follow with my enthusiastic suggestion that both are well worth acquiring!
--Bill Joyner
I HAD AN INTERVIEW with someone who said she couldn't meditate; it was impossible because she had real-life problems. In the meditation we're doing, we're trying to bring home the very supportive message that real-life problems are the material for waking up, not the reason to stop trying. This is news you can use. Today's slogan is "Whatever you meet unexpectedly, join with meditation."
This is a very interesting suggestion. These slogans are pointing out that we can awaken bodhichitta through everything, that nothing is an interruption. This slogan points out how interruptions themselves awaken us, how interruptions themselves - surprises, unexpected events, bolts out of the blue - can awaken us to the experience of both absolute and relative bodhichitta, to the open, spacious quality of our minds and the warmth of our hearts. This is the slogan about surprises as gifts. These surprises can be pleasant or unpleasant; the main point is that they can stop our minds. You're walking along and a snowball hits you on the side of the head. It stops your mind. The slogan "Rest in the nature of alaya, the essences" goes along with this. Usually it is considered a slogan for when you're sitting on the cushion meditating, you can then rest your mind in its natural, unbiased state. But the truths is that when the rug is pulled out the same thing happens; without any effort on our part, our mind finds itself resting in the nature of alaya.
STAYING PUT by Scott R. Sanders
The Taoist book of wisdom, the Secret of the Golden Flower, speaks about a condition of utter clarity and selflessness as "living midnight". I don't know a word of the original Chinese, and I might well misread the translation, but I am haunted by this phrase. Living midnight: to face oblivion, to drown in the annihilating water, to dwell without fear or fret at the still center. Hardest of all is to live through midnight, to accept the knowledge of one's own private extinction and still return to daylight charged with passion and purpose. Earth is sexy, just as sex is earthy. Each of us is a landscape of plains and peaks, valleys and thickets. I speak in metaphors. As through a garbled phone line, but what I mean is plain and simple: body and land are one flesh. They are made of the same stuff. Their beauty is one beauty, their wounds the same wounds. They call to us in the same perennial voice, crying, come see, come touch, come listen and smell, and O come taste. We explore them alike, honor or abuse them alike. The health or sickness of one is inseparable from that of the other. There is no division between where we live and what we are.
mind covers more ground than the heart but goes less far. You
have got to do something about it to make it count.
"I have lived; it is your turn now. It is in you that my youth will be prolonged. I pass you my powers. If I feel that you are my successor, I shall resign myself more easily to dying. I hand on my hopes to you. The knowledge that you are brave and strong enables me to leave life without regret. Take my joy. Let your happiness be to increase that of others. Work and strive and accept no evil that you might change. Keep saying to yourself, 'it lies with me'"
- Andre Gide
Sass is a colleague,
If you do not ask, the
answer is always no.
The future is not
predetermined. --Harvey Cox On Not Leaving It To The Snake
The Lord of Love is an artist, who knows the alchemy of parables and other oblique revelations. The essence of divinity is the essence of reality, expressed androgynously, with all mysteries alive and intact, in the most subtle possible styles of infinite, loving grace. --Bill Joyner
Shakespeare in Love
was so disappointing to me. It is superbly crafted, all the actors shine in it.
And yet, it seems such a trite, shortsighted, hot-bodied perversion of what pure
love might possibly be. So much for one more futile attempt to domesticate &
trivialize "the real thing", which, if you want to find it, go check out the
video of Franco Zaferelli's
Romeo and Juliet.
--Bill Joyner
love exists between two people only when each addresses the other with the
words, "O Myself!"
...salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed: the night is
far gone, the day is at hand. "It's
pretty hard to tell what brings happiness. Poverty and wealth have both
failed." "MY
GREAT WHILE, THE CROW DROPS IN." The above saying was sent by my perfect friend, Ronald E. Stefanik in Cleveland. Ron has the spirit and the presence of an urban monastic saint. He has the gift of creating laughter! His letters are classic, down-to-earth signals of living hope.
Religion will be revealed to us through absurdities. ... Facts will speak in a loud voice. Truth will no longer reside in lofty words, but will be present in the bread we eat. --Louis Pauwels & Jacques Bergier (quoting Blanc de Saint-Bonnet in The Morning of the Magician Stein & Day, p. 309
Warriors of Love We are
foot-soldiers of love We are
life's perpetual advance upon --Bill Joyner
love is strong as death... --The Song of Songs 8:16 |
1210 E. M.L. King Blvd.
Tampa, FL 33603
Email: wmnf@wmnf.org
The Seed Catalog
William T. Joyner, Editor
THE SEED CATALOG is available by mail for an annual suggested donation of $5.00
-- or any expression of interest. I try to do at least 6 issues a year. Thanks
for tuning in!
--Bill Joyner / P.O. Box 3411 / Sarasota, FL 34230
Send me your feedback - comments,
suggestions and contributions welcome