Bill Joyners Log
We all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned
in the distance by an invisible piper.
Albert Einstein
Easter is coming on strong as I write these
words, springtime is already blooming here
in the land of flowers. But what about the
media furor over James Camerons claim to
have located the remains of Jesus Christ,
our Lord, who was assumed to be risen from
the dead and safe away in heaven? I think
it is only because our understanding of
Christian mythology is so tied up with the
conflicting claims of scientific realism and
fundamentalist literalism that the remains
of Jesus, or the absence thereof, would even
be considered an issue of importance to
ones faith. But, of course, Jesus
resurrection has been so ingrained in our
consciousness as an either/or event that we,
more often than not, feel we must accept
exactly as the Bible says, or not and if
not, then were considered completely out
of the loop as far as Christian belief is
concerned. I, therefore, welcome the
controversy over the remains of Jesus as
an opportunity for exploring more thoroughly
the place of myth in religion.
When news of this alleged discovery came
out, I turned with renewed interest to a
wonderful little book Ive been reading,
thought Id find affirmation there of things
I believe about the value of secular society
and secular spirituality. To the contrary,
my unrelenting, perhaps overly-enthusiastic,
commitment to such values was brought into
question by her lament for the loss of a
powerful mythological context in our modern,
secular world.
. |

The demise of mythology and its distortion
into something regarded only as make
believe occurred long before any of us
arrived, so we need not assume postures of
guilt about it; rather, our need is to
discover ways of reinvigorating the
mythological imagination, because, as
Einstein, the supreme scientist, said,
Imagination is more important than
knowledge. We conceive of realities beyond
our comprehension that yet are rooted in our
own experience, and this is the work of
To me, the question of Jesus remains
offers an opportunity to consider that the
Easter hope is more about spiritual
transformation and liberation than it is
about the factuality of Jesus being
resuscitated physically and ascending into
heaven. To me, Easter is a celebration of
regeneration, a natural miracle so evident
all around us, and I do believe that if we
truly know love, then we also know the
reality of resurrection.
Bill Joyner |
Do what you MUST do first what THEY
insist that you do what you MUST do in order to be fed, to be
paid, and to just stay healthy and alive such things you do as
soon as you possibly can? And why? Because then, YOU can do what
YOU need and want to do for your own peace and development
recognizing, of course, that duty may turn to pleasure in the
doing, and thats OK, too. The important thing, for me, always
and the most difficult is to get to the creative task, even
if there is no clear vision of what Im going to do or say. I
know where my creative abilities lie, in writing primarily, and
so it is mostly to writing that I turn when I have some free
time. I love to write in cursive, but the keyboard of a computer
has become, after initial, irrational resistance, a natural and
efficient oasis of self-expression, as well; and so, I try to
come to this same document every day and write something. Of
course, almost anything can be creative and fun. As I was
attending one of my dear little league friends game one day, I
overheard a short pep talk by his coach, in which he said, You
know, you can work really hard at something and also have fun.
Setting priorities is a continual
requirement of existence. What must be done now, what can wait
till later, and all the increments of responsibility in between
we have to decide.
Light streams all around my long front
room, my half transparent shades closed, considering the
possibility of voluntary self-deprivation. What else will even
remotely work to moderate the cravings of a wandering soul
drifting between this and that, always ready to bolt and head
off to something else, something more appealing than just
sitting here thinking about what to write.
Nothing is required for moments like this
a whole lot of it and a commitment to stay with the
nothingness long enough to see if something might emerge. The
shower, the tidying up of your rooms, everything can wait. Seek
first the kingdom of your own mind, there is the kingdom of
heaven. Everything else can wait.
Yes, obligations and opportunities confront
you in the near future. Let what is given guide you into prompt
and fortunate choices. Good luck! Im going to take a shower,
dress and get out in the sun.
We spend our lives trying to get
comfortable with the way things are then, out from beneath us
comes the rug, completely by surprise and once again were up
in the air looking for some place to land.

O Love, pick up the random,
broken pieces that are left of me, and bring them together in a
chorus of praise for our life upon this beautiful, round rolling
world. BJ
to Ben Brantley, Oscar Wilde persisted in his constant belief
that paradox is the very root of all existence.
All women
become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does.
Thats his.
Oscar Wilde
Our daily need is to set up for ourselves a
series of small, quickly achievable, successes, thereby creating
confidence for meeting lifes larger demands.
So then, the eggs are yet aboil. Always too
much to do, a thousand details involved in every step. So step
right up, senior.
Fewer takes, longer breaks, better movies.
Yup and Up, over the big skyway bridge in the morning.
Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side, keep
on the sunny side of life. Sarahs car is kaput, no
more, but she shines forth, and our army of those
faithful to her is yet in the field.
Do one thing at a time, do it as well as you can. Do the
right thing, right now. Relax in between. Assimilate,
renew every day, always. Happy Easter! I am taking a
break from seed cataloging till sometime late in the
year. You dont have to do anything to stay on my list,
but please let me know if you want off. An annual
donation of $5 is suggested, but not required; a few
stamps or just a friendly note now and then is
sufficient, really, to keep this quarterly collection of
seed thoughts coming through the mail. I am also
developing an e-list of recipients, so send your e-mail
address, as well, if you wish. Have a great summer!
What ever you
can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius,
power, and magic in it.
(P.S.)Ive been absorbed with the
subject of Christian mythology for a long time, as you
will see in the accompanying piece, which I originated
as notes for a sermon and was delighted to find
reprinted by in Corita Kents 1968 book, FOOTNOTES
Ah well, speculative thinking is much on my mind today.
Visited Bob the Barber early on, also Amy & company at
the Coffee Carrousel downtown, worked that extra
afternoon shift for Mike Cameron, and now Im off to
beddie bye.
Friday, March 2, 2007 |
Parallel Possibilities & Singular Options
String theorists point with mathematical confidence to
the possibility of parallel worlds, and certainly there
are many more dimensions to our experience than we could
ever imagine, as well as a dizzying array of options and
possibilities. Too bad, though, we can only live out the
reality of the one world (or aspect of reality) in which
we find ourselves. Of all the golden paths stretching
out before us, we yet can travel only one of them at a
Some say that the vision of reality as vibrating
strings, involving as many as 11 dimensions, was
discovered by accident and that, otherwise, the concept
would likely not have dawned upon human consciousness
for another 100 years. No definitive proof of the theory
is yet available, but some leading physicists are
working toward establishing it. Personally, I hope its
true and believe it could be. So often in the past our
assumptions about the world have been flat wrong, so, to
me, anything is possible in this realm of seemingly
infinite possibilities..
Life must be simplified. Obviously. Theres only time
enough for miracles, and we cant just kick back and
wait for them to happen. Nor can we force the hand of
God. Only believe, only receive.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Oh me, so much debris, miles high it would be! Not to
mention tax papers, registering the car in my name,
getting myself to a doctor, gardening, worrying, etc.
And as far as learning to compute is concerned, all I
really want to do is just write on but then I wonder,
has it all been said? Are all the visualizations you
might have created over and done? Is there some hidden
source of synergy that might yet be activated for real
miracles to occur?
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Did you think to play? It doesnt require any time out
of what youre doing anyway. Linger where you are,
devote yourself to dissolving your minor aches and pains
through self-creation.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Always and never is there time enough.
Reality is paradoxical.
God loves jokesta-
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Slo n easy
grows the evening
as we stretch and glide
into our breathing,
having nothing better to do
than to be right here,
right now,
nirvana anew.
Stillness is the key,
stay under its spell
as long as you can,
for that is where
love lingers and
where words
into deeper forms
of language.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Pain and shuffling about in vain for a breakfast place
where crowds of people were not standing in line, then
to the post office and back home for oatmeal with
raisins & a little margarine.(I agree with the
e-journaling book title, NOBODY CARES WHAT YOU HAD FOR
BREAKFAST, but Im not writing this for nobody but
me.) Got in some bike riding and a bit of yoga with
Penny Rosel, as well.
Nothing comes back exactly as it was, but everything
returns. I learned this from seeing the film SIDDHARTHA,
and from a beautiful dream of someone precious
reappearing in varied attire along a parade of strangers
and friends.
Is it vain to speak of film as a
kind of savior in times of such world upheaval as we now
know? I think not, in fact quite the opposite. What
effect might it have to have audiences gather, as if in
a giant cathedral or mosque, and watch ZORBA THE GREEK
or Santosh Sivan's THE TERRORlST (reviewed below) night
after night, until members of such audiences themselves
sign off that they got it - that life's triumphs and
advances are made through a reeducation of the heart
resulting in personal change. It is just such awakenings
of the heart which cinema uniquely has the capacity to
- Bill Joyner
We cannot do it all, we will never
complete everything we want to do? (The phrase comes to
mind, "We can do anything, but not everything.") On PBS
TV I learned about how valiantly Eugene O'Neill
struggled to finish about 16 variations of what, faced
with the necessities of failing health and dwindling
options, became his overwhelming masterpiece, A LONG
Those high schooled kids of Wilton, Connecticut, in
1969, they were my inspiration, as to some extent I was
theirs. Our spirits synchronized through gardening
projects, efforts to protest the Vietnam war, and
supremely through the creation of multimedia events, aka
Mixed Media Blowouts.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007 |
Prayer and meditation is the key to rediscovering the
sacred and eternal essence within each one of us.
Respect for life begins with our own. We begin by
forgiving ourselves, then reaching out to others. When
we treasure all life and are filled with appreciation,
our own pain and anxiety is diminished.
Charles Atkins in RIDING THE WHEEL TO WELLNESS, p. 47