It has become appallingly obvious that
our technology has exceeded our humanity.
Albert Einstein
we tend to deduce
and speculate
on the basis
of reason,
just as we tend
to hallucinate
and mythologize
on the basis
of fearfulness
frailty remains,
stability is near
no fear
dreams are shadowy forms
of self-disclosure,
unexpected announcements
from the
inner world
that our conscious minds
Love is a leap
of immaculate, absurd, enduring trust.
How very tough it is to get back here
before the computer and commune with the hard drive!
Faith is an openness to reality
as it is
idolatry is an attempt
to define and
embody reality as we might wish it to be.
One needs only be turned around
once with his eyes shut in this world to be lost.
... Not till we are lost, in other words not until
we have lost the world, do we begin to find
ourselves, and realize where we are and the infinite
extent of our relations.
Henry David
Decide to network. Use every
letter you write, every conversation you have, every
meeting you attend to express your fundamental
beliefs and dreams. Affirm to others the vision of
the world you want. You are a free, immensely
powerful source of life and goodness. Affirm it.
Spread it.
Radiate it.
Dr. Robert
Sometimes a wave of light
breaks into our darkness, and it is as though a
voice were saying: You are accepted. You are
accepted by that which is greater than you, and the
name of which you do not know. ... Simply accept the
fact that you are accepted.
He who has no inner life is the
slave of his surroundings.
Frederic Amiel
Get in touch with the feeling
that theres nothing wrong with you now, as you are
at this minute.
Dr. George Weinberg in the
book SELF CREATION (one of the best books I have
read on dealing with
depression through the zen of doing.)
If you are patient in one
moment of anger, you will escape 100 days of sorrow.
a Chinese proverb
Our destinies are decided by a
cosmic roll of the dice, the winds of the stars, the
vagrant breezes of fortune that blow from the
windmills of the gods.
H. L.
Conflict resolution programs
(enable) young people from the earliest age to realize
that there are alternatives to violent behavior. In
these programs, children act out scenarios in which they
learn to defuse confrontation; for example, boys might
be taught how not using insulting language can help
resolve a dispute over the ownership of a basketball.
For many boys who go through these
programs, violence goes from being
a first reaction to a last resort.
Myriam Miedzian, Social
A trail of pictures can lead us all
the way back to the big bang,
all remains a great omni-surrounding mystery.
We cant go back there, but we are
in a real abiding sense.
Slow down. Forget the town, the
car, the road all of it!
Lets all simmer down now
and enjoy the day.
Check out Ayaan
Hirsi Ali on You Tube. What a universal princess!
What an intellect! What a
brave, beautiful soul!
Dont just do what makes you feel
good. Do what makes you feel good about yourself. Dr.
David Orrin Ritz.
Each and every micro moment, we are
creating the future. Inevitably, continuously,
automatically and profoundly. Every choice we make
even the choice to do nothing reverberates through the
universe, affecting, for better or worse, everything
else that is.
Thats a rather bold philosophical
assumption, but, as we can learn from reading THE TAO OF
PHYSICS, there is strong scientific support in the world
of modern quantum physics for such a theory of universal
Its all habitual, the good stuff and
the bad. Do the right thing habitually, without giving
it a second thought, and all will be well, or at least
Love is rising
from the
and blooming
Its a matter of
the word
becoming flesh,
of actuality emerging
from vision.
A well-adjusted person is one who
makes the same mistake twice without getting nervous.
Jane Heard
... the ultimate truth of our
interior life is our absolute poverty, our radical
dependence, our unquenchable thirst, our desperate need
to be loved.
Lorenzo Albacete
Escape the problem by solving it,
someone said.
Soon silence will have passed into
legend. Man has turned his back on silence. Day after
day he invents machines and devices that increase noise
and distract humanity from the essence of life,
contemplation, meditation ...
Jean Arp
Life is a very simple miracle,
happiness is within the reach of all, made to mans
measure; it lasts a moment and it is good.
The past is
not dead and buried. In fact, it isnt even past.
William Faulkner
What comes first?
Thats the only
consideration that matters. But there also are those
vital, essential steps involved in being adequately
prepared. A good, though quite wild, example is the
movie THE PROFESSIONALS, wherein Robert Ryan and other
western toughies pull off a raid to rescue a hostage
somewhere south of the border. Their preparations are
meticulous, elaborate, and mostly successful; even so,
unforeseen circumstances pop up to test their flexibility
and endurance.
Lord Baden Powell, observing young men
ineptly dealing with dire, wartime situations, because
of inadequate training in basic maintenance and survival
skills, conceived the organization which came to be
known as the Boy (and Girl) Scouts, with their famous
motto, Be prepared.
Sometimes, as in the case of setting
up to paint something, preparation can be as demanding
as the task itself. Are we ready? Is there an
appreciation for assembling the ingredients that would
most likely lead to success? In terms of equipment, are
there adequate resources; is there multiple redundancy
of vital components, etc. Are we committed, coordinated,
disciplined (i.e., self-regulated and determined to see
it through)? And most importantly is there some
allowance for the unexpected curve balls that life
throws to us from time to time?
Experiencing quietness demands the
elimination of as much extraneous noise as we can do
without, enduring what remains by choice (for me, the
low computer hum, so that this can go onto the hard
drive). Outside, meanwhile, invites and beckons with
bird songs and light, warm breezes all around.
I loved
growing up in the middle years of my youth (13 thru 18)
in close proximity to the woods that practically
surrounded the dairy farm where we lived and worked. It
was an ever-available, nearby,
retreat into quiet solitude and the
healing companionship of untrammeled nature.
Our chances of experiencing silence are greatly
diminished in the modern world, because we have addicted
ourselves to being always tuned into something other
than the natural world even when were right out there
in the middle of it.
Some things I have heard about
from initial readership:
"t touched me."
"Nothing in there is boring."
Some people report their pleasure in being
able to look at just one thought or page and put the book aside
'till next time. Others have expressed appreciation for the variety
afforded by the inclusion of quotations from different writers and
sources. Hey, I read it myself now and then, and in my opinion, it's
a great little coffee table or gift item book, good looking and
substantive. If you'd like a copy, just send $20, which includes
mailing costs. Plus, I'll autograph each copy that goes out. |

Kiki Joyner Michaelek |