"Passive resistance is an all-sided sword, it can be
used anyhow; it blesses him who uses it and him against
whom it is used."
- Gandhi
Try and penetrate with
out limited means the secrets of nature and you will
find that, behind all the discernible laws and
connections, there remains something subtle, intangible
and inexplicable. Veneration for this force beyond
anything that we can comprehend is my religion.
Albert Einstein
I was asked this question point
blank some time ago by a close friend. The most complete
answer I know of is contained within the pages of Bruce
Bawers book, STEALING JESUS: How Fundamentalism Betrays
Christianity. He explains in detail the background,
development and current manifestations of the Religious
Right, defining the movement as The Church of Law. To
members of all legalistic Christian faiths ... what
matters is that it be harsh, exclusionary, preached with
zeal, professed without a hint of doubt, and regarded as
the key to all truth and to eternal salvation.(p.244)
Bruce Bawer asserts that people
who believe and live by legalistic Christian theology
are by definition extremists who feel that the state
should be run according to Gods law as they perceive
it. Contrasted with the Church of Love, he says that
the Church of Law ... encourages worshipers to play a
passive role, listening obediently as the preacher tells
them what the Bible says and what they are expected to
believe, to do, and to condemn.
In addition to STEALING JESUS, by
Bruce Bawer, another prime source for answering the
above question is Chris Hedgess 1970 book, AMERICAN
FASCISTS: The Christian Right and the War on America.
(Both can be sampled extensively through Google on the

On the very first page of Coritas
1968 book, FOOTNOTES AND HEADLINES, is this saying: he
repeated the letters of the alphabet over and over,
beseeching the Almighty to arrange them into the
appropriate words of the prayers.
We all need an inner rosary or
mantra, a verbal band of beads to make us worry less.
For me, such a mantra is breathing
out the ABCs. I usually fall asleep that way, but I find
that the practice enhances wakeful meditation, too. It
helps create a sense of patience and concentration
during stressful activity like driving in thick
traffic. Its not just a matter of mentally reciting the
alphabet. Its a physical discipline, too, an act of
blowing out, which Alan Watts said is the essential
meaning of nirvana.
Our minds are usually, I think,
full of chatter and concern perhaps as a result of too
much news, or just the common daily blues. Peace of mind
is eroded by nervous questions -- What should I be
doing?, How am I feeling?, etc. The noise of such
internal doubt must cease if we are to hear the still
small voiceof divine wisdom and be restored to a
condition of balance and calm.
Actively breathing out a series of
basically meaningless letters or words may not
immediately accomplish that objective, but it can only
help and holding the breath will only make things worse.
Every moment matters. I may not
like where any particular moment lands me. I may not
find myself in the best, most productive mood. But this
is where I am. Emotionally, I cannot be anywhere else.
The knot is tied, love blooms anew
amid pledges of forever.
Meanwhile, the world rolls on
through its own weird trajectory to who knows where. Me,
I can hardly find time to tie my shoes. So Ive started
wearing comfortable flip flops more often. And heading
for the shade whenever I can.
My front yard of crawling
wedelia is robust and green with little yellow
flowers. Down below and up above (from a towering gold
yellow blossoms everywhere.
- Bill
. . . it is we who have betrayed God. We have become a
militarized nation of apostates and hedonists. We ignore
the evil we commit, from the war in Iraq to the torture
we carry out in our offshore penal colonies. We sanctify
our own power and wealth as a final good We turn inward,
ignoring our apostasy, and wonder why bad things happen
to us. We are not called to avoid suffering. We are not
promised a rational world. We are not offered
explanations. We are called to act. There is no promise
that this will be easy or painless or free us from
- - Chris Hedges |
Chris Hedges article A HOLLOW
AGNOSTICISM in the current issue of the Harvard Divinity
Bulletin. (accessible through Google) is, to me, a
profound consideration of what it means to accept living
in a morally neutral universe. Its something of a
tough read, involving many scholarly references, but
this piece is well worth the effort as it deals with
basic existential matters such as how to reconcile the
reality of human suffering with the concept of divine
compassion. Heres a sample:
The question is not whether God
exists. It is whether we contemplate or are utterly
indifferent to the transcendent forces that cannot be
measured or quantified, those forces that lie beyond the
reach of rational deduction. We all encounter these
forces. They are love, beauty, alienation, loneliness,
suffering, good, evil, and the reality of death. These
unquantifiable forces in human life are the domain of
art and religion. ... God ... is that which works upon
us and through us to find meaning and relevance in a
morally neutral universe.
Detachment without withdrawal,
Ecclesiastes wrote, is one of the secrets of wisdom.
Death awaits us all. We must give up on the notion that
one is rewarded for virtue, that we can save ourselves
from our human predicament or that we can morally
advance as a species. We remain trapped by human nature.
The evil and the good endure the same hardships and
blessings. But Ecclesiastes also reminds us that God has
put olam into mans mind. Olam means eternity. It
denotes mystery or obscurity. We do not know what this
mystery, this eternity, means. And once we recognize it
and face it, simplistic answers no longer work.

Know thyself is one of the wisest
suggestions ever made, but, as C.J. Jung elaborates in
his wonderful short book, THE UNDISCOVERED SELF,
self-knowledge, though vital to personal and universal
well-being, is extremely hard to come by. Karen Horney
stresses the difficulty, as well, delineating the
consequences of NOT resolving our inner conflicts, among
which are:
a devastating waste of human energy,
general indecisiveness and ineffectualness, inertia,
a paralysis of initiative and action, unconscious
arrogance, inability to take a definite stand,
undependability, and an unholy host of rampant fears
of exposure, ridicule, disregard, humiliation, and of
changing anything in ones self.
A Brief Review of
CONFLICTS by Karen Horney (horn-eye)
Following are words directly from
Each of the basic attitudes toward others has
its positive value. In moving toward people the person
tries to create for himself a friendly relation to his
world. In moving against people he equips himself for
survival in a competitive society. In moving away from
people he hopes to attain a certain integrity and
All three attitudes are not only desirable but
necessary to our development. ... It is only when they
appear and operate in a neurotic framework that they
become compulsive, rigid, indiscriminate and mutually
exclusive. (P. 89)
... blind rebellion, blind craving to excel,
and a blind need to keep away from others are all forms
of dependence.
(P. 100)
Reading this book is, to me, like
looking into an uncompromising mirror that clearly
reveals the hidden corners of our personal existence.
Every sentence is jam packed with meaningful content
about neurotic (that is, unbalanced, obsessive) behavior
and with information that could lead to deeper
Wickepedia.com provides a summary of
the authors 3 basic attitudes toward others and 10
accompanying characteristics that could indicate
neurotic tendencies:
Moving Toward People
1. The need for affection
and approval; pleasing others and being liked by them.
2. The need for a
partner; one whom they can love and who will solve all
Moving Against People
3. The need for power;
the ability to bend wills and achieve control over
others -- while most persons seek strength, the neurotic
may be desperate for it.
4. The need to exploit
others; to get the better of them. To become
manipulative, fostering the belief that people are there
simply to be used.
5. The need for social
recognition; prestige and limelight.
6. The need for personal
admiration; for both inner and outer qualities -- to be
7. The need for personal
achievement; though virtually all persons wish to make
achievements, as with No.4, the neurotic may be
desperate for achievement.
Moving Away from People
8. The need for self
sufficiency and independence; while most desire some
autonomy, the neurotic may simply wish to discard other
individuals entirely.
9. Lastly, the need for
perfection; while many are driven to perfect their lives
in the form of well being, the neurotic may display a
fear of being slightly flawed.
10. The need to restrict
life practices to within narrow borders; to live as
inconspicuous a life as possible.
From the Archives Autumn 2006
According to a TV program, the
Amazon rainforest is not getting enough rain these days
to sustain its vital biological contribution to the
earths ecological well-being. This ongoing condition of
drought, they say, is attributable in large part to
deforestation efforts made by growers of soybeans, the
bulk of which are shipped overseas to be used as chicken
Of course, its about more than
just chicken feed. Its about planetary degradation! I
hope Ill remember that the next time Im tempted to eat
a chicken sandwich. After all, there is BURGER KINGs
veggie burger and WENDYs baked potato with broccoli and
cheese.The whole thing is, we dont really have to eat
chicken, or any meat, at all! Such a simple concept, yet
it would do a lot toward saving our world (the only one
weve got).
Henry David Thoreau once observed
the irony of a farmer loudly proclaiming that a man
could not live on vegetable matter alone, even as he
guided his huge vegetarian oxen on their laborious way.
So, after all, you know, it could be done. Oxen can do
it, mullets, too, and manatees. Most likely, I expect
wed rather not think about eating meat at all,
especially while enjoying our favorite chicken dish
and, we may reason, many of the animals and lots of
fish are chasing each other down for lunch throughout
the ecosystem anyway, so why not us, as well? And yes,
you cant really beat the good taste of chicken or beef,
so why not just chow down and enjoy!
At one time in the South Sea
islands of the Pacific ocean, cannibals had human meat
markets, and the product was said to have a superior
taste, a lot like chicken, I bet. But we have evolved
beyond such cullinary cruelty. Perhaps eventually, if
only because of environmental necessity, we will have to
evolve beyond our current worldwide craze for burgers
and chicken and such. We do not have to be addicted to
Bill Joyner
