THE SEED CATALOG

                                                             THE SEED CATOLOG, P.O. Box 3411, Sarasota, FL, 34230. 

                                                                 Six issues a year available for a suggested donation of $5. 




Text Box: THE 2002 SEED CATALOG MOVIE GO ROUND, as a concept, was inspired by the title of a CBS kinescope film, ROADSIGNS ON A MERRY GO ROUND, as well as by the joyous response that carousels generally evoke.   ROADSIGNS ON A MERRY GO ROUND is a cinematic dramatization of three futurist theologians, Pierre de Chardin, Deitritch Bonhoeffer, and Martin Buber.  Available through the Indiana U. Film Library, it remains one of the most delightful presentations of progressive, inter-faith theology around.  The movie reviews, the stories and Chris Browne�s cartoon studies turn nicely around one another in this calendar as circular reflections of special films we may have seen.  They are films I would enthusiastically present if I ran a theater, and certainly I feel they would be interesting to selected gatherings of family and friends. � Bill Joyner